5 Easy Tasks to Get Your Home Ready for Spring

The winter season here in Westchester and Fairfield Counties can be tough on your home, especially after all of the storms we had this year. As the temperatures rise at the start of spring any accumulated snow and ice will begin to melt. Spring rainstorms combined with the winter accumulation melting can cause a great deal of water to collect, potentially leading to serious water damage.

ServiceMaster Superior Cleaning & Restoration Services created this list of areas to inspect to ensure your home is in top condition all spring long:

Outdoor Maintenance

Hopefully, you have already cleared out the leaves and debris in your gutters from last fall, but if you haven’t, now is the time! If you have any snow and ice buildup, use salt or melting tablets to break it down and allow the water to flow easily away from your house. While you have the ladder out make sure to inspect your roof for missing or loose, shingles that could cause leaks in the interior of your home. Finally, once temperatures have warmed enough reconnect your outdoor hoses and turn the sprinkler system back on.

Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC)

­The warm weather may still be on the way, but it’s important to make sure your air conditioner is prepped and ready for spring. According to the National Center for Healthy Housing, you should replace the filter in your air conditioner in the spring. You should also check your ductwork to ensure it is clean and functional going into the warmer seasons. It can be difficult to examine HVAC systems properly on your own, so you may want to consider hiring a professional to inspect and clean out your air ducts.

Foundation and Concrete

Inspect your foundation and look closely for any cracks or pooling water from snow melting. If you find any cracks, caulk them as soon as you can to prevent water damage from rain seeping into your home. Direct any standing water or melting snow away from your home and check those areas inside the home to ensure that standing water hasn’t caused any damage. Now is also the perfect time to get out and power wash the concrete around your home to start of the spring.

Windows and Screens

Any leakage around your windows and doors will allow cooled indoor air escape, causing your power bill to increase during the warmer months. Walk around your house and examine any of the caulking and weather strippings you have to ensure it is still intact. You should also replace any damaged window screens before the warm weather hits, so you can enjoy the warm breeze without bugs getting inside your home.

Spring Cleaning

After you have completed these maintenance tasks to transition into spring, it is time for spring cleaning! During the cold winter months, it’s easy for your home to become dirty because of the amount of time spent indoors. Take the time to clean those areas of your home that have been neglected – mop to remove the dirty snow water that was tracked in and clean up all the dust that has been accumulating. Start the new season with a cleaner and healthier home!

If you find any water or mold damage while going through these maintenance tips, contact ServiceMaster Superior Cleaning & Restoration Services. Our team of experts are available 24/7 this spring to tackle any disaster restoration or cleaning needs you may have.

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